Wednesday 1 October 2014

The "what" factor is defines the "who" factor in a person. The content of  a man's personality defines who he is. Who you are is solely depended on what you are made up of.

Monday 28 July 2014

There is one element in life that spreads just as known elements such as diseases do but then, the character of this element is always driven with one unique intent, which is the direct of opposite of what the usual element, which causes sickness, pains and conscious isolation.
This contagious element starts with one and with a mare direction of where it locates, those that happen to witness its appearance, get infected and before realisation the element drives into the heart and springs up healing, joy and acceptance.
This element is a smile, with a smile of your face towards another, it could only make them return the smile and want to pass it on, before long, the atmosphere of love is created and harmony dominates.
Smile and pass it on, its contagious, if you doubt, try it today.  :)

Bennyspoetry: The pursuit of purpose is determined by the size o...

Bennyspoetry: The pursuit of purpose is determined by the size o...: The pursuit of purpose is determined by the size of the dream you compose.